
Product Development

Product DevelopmentRatings & Reviews

Proper Review Analysis: How to Analyze Customer Reviews (+ Examples)

It’s pretty difficult to imagine a world without reviews. Not many of us walk into a shop and make a purchase without browsing at least a handful of online reviews beforehand.  In fact, a study from TrustPilot found that almost 9 out of 10 customers consult online reviews before buying.  Though these reviews are incredibly helpful to consumers, for business owners, trying to use reviews to guide the product development process or improve the customer…
what is a focus groupMarketingProduct Development

What is a Focus Group: Definition, Key Drawbacks, and Better Alternative

In this article, we attempt to bring more clarity to the concept of focus groups, particularly in the case of product development. In other words, what is a focus group, the summary of steps on how to execute one, situations for when you'd need to conduct one, several critical disadvantages of focus groups, and a game-changer alternative solution to replace this old-school market research method. What is A Focus Group? "A focus group is a…
beauty cosmetic skincareMarket ResearchProduct DevelopmentRatings & Reviews

Beauty brands, do customers care for ‘natural’ based on skincare reviews?

Using our text analytics technology, our Business Intelligence team analyzed dozens of cosmetic brands and compared them among one another, particularly studying the hot topic of 'naturality' and whether being healthy matters among today's consumers. In the end, the results may surprise beauty brands while providing useful insights on how to better their skincare products.  This article was also written specifically by Liang Liu, our Market Intelligence Analyst.    Obtaining a "healthy lifestyle” has been…
Product Development

How to utilize Customer Feedback in Product Development

With all the potential gains, you would think that integrating consumer feedback in product launches and continuous development is common practice. But despite the benefits, too many companies still ignore consumer feedback, struggle to make sense of it, or are stuck trying to build a scalable process. In this blog, we will share the best ways on how to use customer feedback in product development. Let’s start with the benefits. Analyzing consumer feedback allows companies…
Mike Ruini
BusinessMarket ResearchMarketingProduct Development

Come la sentiment analysis può aiutarti a migliorare i tuoi prodotti

Probabilmente avrai già sentito parlare di sentiment analysis, ma sei a conoscenza dei vantaggi che questo tipo di analisi può portare all’interno della tua azienda? La sentiment analysis, anche conosciuta come opinion mining, consiste nell’analisi di un testo con il fine di analizzare e classificare le informazioni contenute nello stesso. Questo tipo di analisi può rivelarti moltissime informazioni sui pensieri e sulle opinioni dei tuoi clienti.  Una volta spiegati i vantaggi della sentiment analysis, mostreremo…
consumer feedback analysis - wonderflowBusinessMarket ResearchMarketingProduct Development

Who will benefit from consumer feedback analysis

Consumer Feedback Analysis can play an important role in a company, allowing different departments to get valuable insights. A few weeks ago we published this video to show how important it is for Product Marketers. But they are not the only ones. In today's video our CEO Riccardo Osti will tell you how different departments can take advantage of Consumer Feedback to improve their performance. How do you feel Consumer Feedback could improve your job?…
Collecting feedbackBusinessMarket ResearchMarketingProduct Development

10 Sentiment Analysis Examples That Will Help Improve Your Products

You’ve probably heard the term sentiment analysis before, but perhaps never really took much notice of how important it can be for your company. But you should. The term refers to mining the opinions of your customers. If done properly, sentiment analysis can reveal gold mines inside the thoughts and opinions of your customers. There are dozens of different ways you can mine customer opinions. Once we’ve explained the perks of sentiment analysis, we’ll show…

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