

pet careMarketing

Pet Care Industry: Trends & Growth to Help Improve VoC Programs

When it comes to our furry (feathery, scaly - you name it) friends, brands and consumers alike will do their utmost to satisfy them. In fact, the global pet care market has seen astounding spikes in sales in recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we look at the ever-growing and competitive world of pet care. In particular, we examine how the 2020 pandemic affected the market and what global trends have…
positive customer reviewsMarketing

More Smiles, More Stars: 10 Examples of Leveraging Positive Customer Reviews

Brands know that reviews are everything. Whether they are positive, negative, or neutral, customer feedback is at the core of any business. It's a matter of how well your company leverages or responds to each type. For instance, positive customer reviews are just as powerful of an influence on business success, if not more, than negative ones. And do you just simply smile when you see a customer's compliment? Of course not! You may want…
millennial marketingMarketing

Voice of the Youths: Millennial Marketing & How to Win Them Over

Millennials now make up the largest adult cohort worldwide, about 23% of the global population. This totals to about 1.8 billion people. That's a lot of purchasing power.  Almost half of the millennials say they won't purchase a product that doesn't have reviews. They also shop online more than the older generations, with 85.9% of millennials declaring that they shop online.  This is where the voice of the customer (VoC) (or shall we say the…
what is sentiment analysisMarketingRatings & Reviews

What is Sentiment Analysis and Text Analytics? (+ Quick Video)

Text analytics and sentiment analysis often come hand-in-hand when monitoring customer feedback.  Both are essential to a successful program for customer experience management because they allow you to derive meaning from the data you collect about your customers. However, in practice, they're actually quite different.  In this article, we'll explain their major differences and how they can be used to analyze your data.  What is Text Analytics? Text Analytics is applying statistical and machine learning…
what is a focus groupMarketingProduct Development

What is a Focus Group: Definition, Key Drawbacks, and Better Alternative

In this article, we attempt to bring more clarity to the concept of focus groups, particularly in the case of product development. In other words, what is a focus group, the summary of steps on how to execute one, situations for when you'd need to conduct one, several critical disadvantages of focus groups, and a game-changer alternative solution to replace this old-school market research method. What is A Focus Group? "A focus group is a…
Lucia ManettiHuman ResourcesInterviewMarketing

Employee Spotlight: Lucia Manetti, Marketing Specialist & Gaming Nerd

Part of our recent success and growth has been largely due to our people. In particular, if we had to pick another hard-working teammate for this month alone, let's meet Lucia Manetti, our Marketing Specialist. Lucia has held nearly six years of experience in the tech industry.  Funny enough, however, she graduated with a degree in the History of Art and one in Concept Art for Videogames. Afterward, she got her master’s in Digital Marketing.…

MarTech: Rise of Marketing Technology Investments & 7 Tools to Leverage

The global MarTech landscape is fast evolving. But what does that really mean? Find out here what is MarTech, including key trends to consider before making new marketing technology investments. Plus, 7 key solutions in 2021 for every 'marketer stack' to conquer CX.   The global MarTech landscape is continuously evolving, making decision-making more challenging for marketers. Because of this, modern companies must ensure that they are investing in the right marketing technology solutions that…
Emotional LoyaltyBusinessCustomer experienceMarketing

Why Emotional Loyalty Matters Most in the Future of CX

Behavioral metrics alone aren't enough to measure customer loyalty. Emotional loyalty must also be considered for long-term brand success.   What does "loyalty" mean? Could it be the way your pet follows, protects, and looks at you, no matter what? How about customer loyalty? Could it be the way your shoppers buy from you, how they keep returning for more, and why they revisit? In a recent post, we covered six different ways to protect…
Emotional Customer IntelligenceBusinessCustomer experienceMarketingTechnology

How Emotional Customer Intelligence is Changing Digital Marketing

In the age of digital transformation, the way we understand customers has been revolutionized by technology to connect with them on a deeper, more emotional level. The Customer Experience A.I. is already leveling the playing field in digital marketing, minimizing human efforts to transform the way we analyze customer data. Learn the importance of identifying the feelings that drive customers' behavior through emotional customer intelligence. You Don’t Sell Things; You Sell Emotions Let’s start with…
metrics for consumer-centric management - wonderflowBusinessMarket ResearchMarketing

The metrics for customer-centric management

Today we will explain which are the key metrics that you need to adopt if you really want to become customer-centric. In the very first video on our channel, we explained: how both product and customer-centric companies have the goal to maximize shareholders value, but they try to get there in different ways. We know that customer-centric companies build their success on relationship expertise. In this case, managers main goal shouldn’t be just revenue, but…

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