
Market Research

voice of the customerMarket ResearchVoice of the Customer

Upgrading Reviews Analysis: The Most Efficient way to Measure Customer Sentiment

Listening to the Voice of the Customer (VoC) Giving people what they want has always been the ultimate goal of a business, since the beginning of the modern era. In order to do so, many resources have been deployed to catch the voice of the customer, understanding their needs and tailoring the offer accordingly. However, the voice of the customer has never been so loud before. Since the digital revolution, there is no shortage of…
Lucia Manetti
Images on How Consumer Insights Teams Can Leverage Text Mining TechniquesBusinessMarket ResearchTechnology

How Consumer Insights Teams Can Leverage Text Mining Techniques

Text mining sounds like a fancy term, but the concept behind it is pretty simple. In a nutshell, this involves using machine learning technology to extract valuable information from text-based data (product reviews, emails, call center data, and more). The strategy of text mining is used widely by consumer insight teams, and it can help product marketers and researchers understand their customers’ pain points, how customers use certain products, and more. Want to learn more…
Image header on how to measure customer satisfactionMarket Research

How To Measure Customer Satisfaction

A decade or two ago, customer satisfaction was seen as a nice-to-have, not as a must-have. These days, however, companies are increasingly understanding the importance of building a customer-centric culture, and putting their customers at the heart of everything they do. Why is this the case? Simply put, when you delight your customers, this improves your bottom line. The numbers don’t lie: 96% of consumers say customer service is an important factor in their choice…
metrics for consumer-centric management - wonderflowBusinessMarket ResearchMarketing

The metrics for customer-centric management

Today we will explain which are the key metrics that you need to adopt if you really want to become customer-centric. In the very first video on our channel, we explained: how both product and customer-centric companies have the goal to maximize shareholders value, but they try to get there in different ways. We know that customer-centric companies build their success on relationship expertise. In this case, managers main goal shouldn’t be just revenue, but…
How do you create customer profiles starting from their feedback - wonderflowCase studiesMarket ResearchMarketing

How do you create customer profiles starting from feedback

Today we will explain how to create customer profiles starting from their feedback. One of the most difficult challenges for marketers is to clearly define the customer persona, highlighting all the characteristics of the ideal types of customers. Historically, marketers have learned that first, they needed to create a profile and then go to the market to test it. Today, customer feedback gives us the possibility to turn this process upside down. In fact,…
what is accuracy in text analysis - WonderflowMarket ResearchTechnology

What is the accuracy in text analysis

Probably, the most frequent question about text analysis is “what is the accuracy?”. So, today we will tell you what to measure in order to determine the quality of your analysis. Let’s start by saying that what we usually call accuracy in text analysis, is the mix of two main indicators, called precision and recall. Recall In simple words, the recall in text analysis measures how many times the system is able to identify…
BusinessMarket ResearchMarketingProduct Development

Come la sentiment analysis può aiutarti a migliorare i tuoi prodotti

Probabilmente avrai già sentito parlare di sentiment analysis, ma sei a conoscenza dei vantaggi che questo tipo di analisi può portare all’interno della tua azienda? La sentiment analysis, anche conosciuta come opinion mining, consiste nell’analisi di un testo con il fine di analizzare e classificare le informazioni contenute nello stesso. Questo tipo di analisi può rivelarti moltissime informazioni sui pensieri e sulle opinioni dei tuoi clienti.  Una volta spiegati i vantaggi della sentiment analysis, mostreremo…
Market ResearchMarketing

5 tipi di customer feedback e come raccoglierli

Non importa cosa pensi del customer feedback, non si può negare che abbia una grande importanza per le aziende. In un mondo in cui la competizione è altissima, conoscere le opinioni dei tuoi clienti riguardo i tuoi servizi può aiutare molti aspetti della tua azienda, dal product development alle strategie di marketing.  In un periodo in cui la quantità di dati è infinita, analizzare le opinioni dei clienti mette a disposizione informazioni che la tua…
do customers review and recommend - wonderflowBusinessMarket ResearchMarketing

Do Customers review and recommend your products?

You know we are big fans of consumer reviews for several reasons, and we often use them as the playground for the exercises that we run. Today we keep going on this track. Today we run a quick exercise that can have a terrific impact on the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Today we want to figure out if consumers review and recommend your products or not. Let’s get started, follow these steps: Step 1:…
react on reviews - wonderflowBusinessMarket ResearchMarketing

React on Reviews – Quick wins with customer feedback

For the first episode of the series Quick wins with customer feedback, our CEO Riccardo Osti proposes a simple exercise that might be incredibly helpful for you to start making actions from online reviews. We expect you to perform a simple analysis of your customer feedback in one of your sources, such as Amazon, Bol, or even Trip Advisor. Take some time and see that this simple exercise will provide you important insights on how…

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